Your Framework for AI-Driven Narrative Intelligence

Detect. Decipher. Defend.



Discover emerging narrative threats early.


Understand why narratives spread and be alerted to critical threats.


Act fast with guided plans to combat harmful narratives.


An early warning system for emerging narratives.

  • Comprehensive Dataset:

    PeakMetrics seamlessly integrates with your current data pipeline or offers a comprehensive first-party data set. Feel confident that you’re seeing the full picture across online news, blogs, broadcast, podcasts, social media, and more.

  • Narrative Identification:

    Leverage machine learning technology to surface narratives surrounding your brand, industry, leaders, and competition. Get notified as narratives emerge and gain valuable context into the authors, domains, and languages driving them.

  • Digital Deception Identification:

    Uncover instances of misinformation, disinformation, and media manipulation at scale, including the origins and amplifiers.

  • Network Graphs:

    Visually identify how narratives spread through the internet and which media domains or authors are pushing them. 



Prioritize and contextualize the narratives that matter.

  • AI-Driven Threat Scores:

    Evaluate the risks associated with emerging narratives and assign a threat score to help you determine what’s mere smoke vs. fire.

  • Sentiment Analysis:

    Uncover the emotions and opinions behind narratives based on your criteria, enabling you to track and improve sentiment across various media channels.


  • Partner Integrations:
    • NewsGuard: Acquire credibility insights and context around the sources driving narratives around your brand.
    • Reality Defender: Combat digital deception & uncover deepfakes at scale.
  • Customizable Reports

    Generate tailored reports with in-depth analytics and visualizations to showcase your brand's reputation baseline, threat scores, and key performance indicators, making it easy to share your success with stakeholders.


Proactively manage and respond to narrative threats.

  • Response Planning:

    Receive AI-generated, actionable, and unbiased response recommendations to address emerging threats quickly and effectively. From takedown notices to key talking points for executives, PeakMetrics has you covered.

  • In-Depth Intelligence Reports:

    When resources, expertise, or time are limited, go deeper into the data and support efficient decision-making with in-depth reports from expert analysts. 

  • Daily Briefings:

    Understand the narratives surrounding your brand, executives, competition, and industry through an expert-curated snapshot and action plan. Findings are delivered daily to your inbox and generated using AI and human-powered teams.


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